Monday, May 18, 2015

Review...The Legend of Arturo King by L.B. Dunbar

Review of The Legend of Arturo King by L. B. Dunbar:

****Received an ARC copy of book for Review****

L.B. Dunbar’s The Legend of Arturo King drew my attention because of the catchy title.  The play on the main character of Camelot and The Knights of the Round Table drew me in even further.  I’ve always loved the stories and retellings of Camelot, Uther and especially Merlin.  I’ve been a fan of the period for years.  I began the read not knowing what to expect. 
I enjoyed the book and what Dunbar did to change the stories. It was an interesting twist.  I didn’t completely love it.  I would give it a four star score and I’m rounding up.  It had some great elements.  I loved the way the characters names were changed to be key iconic individual’s names.   I thought it was great that she had the characters have the personalities of them as well.  I hate to say that she stuck to the standard story overall.  She truly did modernize an already told story.  With that key element, the book became predictable and I didn’t want to finish it. 
I loved the concept. I truly did, but it wasn’t one of my favorites.  It is something that I would recommend to another, but with the following warning.


Not really.  Lol! The story ends in a cliffy.  I was a little disappointed with that one, but now I have to make a note to follow the author to see where she goes with this series.  I want to read the next books because I’m not as familiar with the story of Lancelot or the character Perkins is supposed to be.  I believe familiarity killed it for me.

Purchase The Legend of Arturo King

The next book in the series is The Story of Lansing Lotte

Purchase the next book in the series here.

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