Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Review Tour...Dark Angel by Samantha Jacoby (with Review)

Dark Angel, A Summer Spirit Novella
by Samantha Jacobey,
Book 2 in the Summer Spirit Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: June 23rd
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Dark Angel - A Summer Spirit Novella… Can your Guardian Angel simply walk away?
Charlie and his girlfriend met last summer, after his awakening from a near death experience. Their love grew while his body healed, and after a few short months, he had come to believe she was the girl of his dreams. But Donna has a secret; one she had never intended to share with the love of her life.
While Charlie’s physical being had lain in a hospital, his spirit had traveled to another dimension - her world - where the forces of light and dark collide. When he had returned to the living side of consciousness, Clarisse stole Donna’s body, claiming it and giving herself a second chance at life and love. Of course, people who die are meant to stay dead, and there will be rough times ahead as Keeper, head of the angels, decides how to put things back in order...
Charlie stared down at their plates, guilt washing over him; “Damn.” He could tell she had put a great deal of effort into the meal, and he had blown it. “So much for overtime,” he muttered, turning to follow her to their bedroom. “Honey, I’m sorry,” he called more loudly.

Stepping into the room, he noted her hunched frame on the foot of the bed. Her face in her hands, her shoulders shook, signaling her silent sobs. Taking a knee before her, he sat back on his haunches while his fingers gently wound around her warm flesh, pulling on her arms to uncover her delicate beauty, “Hey.”

Allowing him to expose her tears, her face looked distorted, causing him to inhale sharply. “Don’t look at me Charlie,” she implored.

“Why?” he breathed the question. “Seriously, baby. What’s happening to you?”

Flicking her moist tongue over her lips, she whined, “You’ll call me crazy if I tell you. Just like you did Grandma Parker.”

“No, I won’t,” he pushed himself up onto his knees, his arms sliding around her waist, “Baby, I love you so much. We’re survivors, remember?” he alluded to their private joke. “There’s nothing you can’t tell me, an’ I promise; I would never call you crazy.”

She stared into his deep brown eyes, feeling as if they would swallow her whole at any moment. “My name isn’t Donna,” she stated flatly, “My name is Clarisse.”

Charlie’s lungs clamped down tight within his chest, as if she had knocked the wind out of him with a single punch. “Clarisse,” he coughed, squinting as he tried to make the connection. Finally, unable to do so, he stroked her long straight locks, “Honey, I’m not following.”

“That’s why she doesn’t know me,” she pulled herself up straight, “Because… I’m not me. And Grandma Parker can see it somehow.”

“I see,” he sank back down, heels to rear, “And how long has this feeling that you’re someone else been going on?”

“I told you!” she screamed, leaping to her feet, “Now you think I’m bat shit psycho!” she whirled around, moving to the window to peer outside, searching the darkness for some unseen enemy.

Watching her, he pushed himself up, standing slowly, “I never said that. I don’t understand. That’s all.”

“Of course not, you’re still you,” she quipped.

I was given a copy of this book for an honest review.  It's what I do. 

I have mixed feelings about this read.  While I found myself wanting to know what happened next, I will admit that it took me a moment to get with the writing style of the author.  I was surprised by the ending which is always a good thing for me.  I love, love, LOVE surprises.  I cannot stand predictable works.  They are so uninspiring for me.  I'm glad that I pushed through and completed the read.  It was a cute story.  With all of that said, I give this book a:

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Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1RlSnf2
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ZINBRVA
Amazon CA: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00ZINBRVA
Amazon AU:
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Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations any where at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SamJacobey

Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00GEB5LX0

Goodreads -https://www.goodreads.com/aut…/show/7335383.Samantha_Jacobey

Twitter - https://twitter.com/SamJacobey

Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/samanthajacobey/

Fan Club / Street team -https://www.facebook.com/groups/518336211610077/
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